Performance Management

Performance Management

• Benefit of periodic performance evaluations and feedback.
• The performance management system has flexibility.
• Employee performance is evaluated with accommodations in place.
• The organization has taken action to identify and address any supervisor attitudes towards employees with disabilities which might impede effective performance management or promotional opportunities.

Background Organizational Work

• The organization makes periodical reviews of job requirements to verify that they are consistent with business necessity, actual job demands, and do not disparately impact people with disabilities.
• The organization has ensured that employees with disabilities have equal pay and benefits, commensurate with job function and performance merit.
• Accommodations are reviewed periodically to ensure that they continue to work well.
• New options in assistive technology appropriate to address an individual accommodation are reviewed and considered as they become available.

Promotional Opportunities

• Promotional opportunities are posted or announced in a manner or communication medium that is accessible.
• Same consideration for promotional opportunities and training as that afforded other employees.
• Promotion on the basis of ability to do essential functions of the new job, without regard for new accommodations that might be needed.

Organizational Work

• Review tests that screen for promotional opportunities.
• Testing for promotional advancement is conducted in an environment which is accessible.
• Employees are offered time flexibility or rest breaks in test taking for promotional opportunities, if required as a reasonable accommodation.
• Employees with visual impairments are afforded alternate formats in test taking for promotional opportunities.
• Employees who are deaf or have hearing impairments are effective communication if needed in test taking for promotional opportunities.
• Employees who have limited language skills as a result of a disability are afforded simplified language.

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